Union Cemetery

Union Cemetery
Click on the Image to view the Cemetery Database

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Union Cemetery Mapping

While in Perryville last weekend, we started the process of mapping the graves there and identifying who is buried where.
A preliminary count indicates that there are 200 grave stones there, either standing, broken but readable or laying flat somewhere near their original site. Many of these have multiple names on them, many are small stones for infants, and some are not readable.
Here are the numbers:
Stones: old section 140, new section 60
People identified: Old section 136, new section 83
Unreadable stones: old section 24, new section 2

I have found a free database program that is made especially for cemetery mapping and will start putting data into it this week. I also intend to draw a map. Then in the spring we will go down there again and refine the data and take pictures of each stone. The pictures of the stones can then be linked to the persons name in the database and we can put it all on the web for viewing.

I could use some help in locating obituaries for people buried in Union. I have some sent to me by Karen Fowler Caldwell over the years but really need more. These too can be linked to the persons name. Send them to me. Either scan them in as a picture or type them in as text.
For an example of this type of database, here is a link to a cemetery page in Indiana where you can see examples of the information that we will display.

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