Union Cemetery

Union Cemetery
Click on the Image to view the Cemetery Database

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Supporters and Friends of Old Union cemetery

I have been quietly accumulating a list of people who have a more than casual interest in the Old Union Cemetery and also in the Pipes Harmon Gray family association and the history of the area where these families lived in the 18th and 19th Centuries. All of the members of this list think we should possibly start a new web site about the subjects above (Old Union, the Family association and the history of the area) and have agreed to participate at some level in sending information, pictures, history or articles that could be published there for everyone to read and enjoy. We have also talked about putting together a booklet of some kind that has pictures, obits and short biographies of the people and families who rest in the cemetery. That booklet could then be used as a fund raiser for the cemetery.

You can see some of these bio pages on the left here, under "those resting in old union".

If this sounds like something in which you have an interest or if you would like to participate, contact me at: pipesb@pipesfamily.com

And again, even of you do not want to participate, if you have info of any kind or know someone who might have info on the cemetery, the church, the area or these families, PLEASE take a few moments of your time and let me know about it.

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