Union Cemetery

Union Cemetery
Click on the Image to view the Cemetery Database

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Cemetery Tour

This morning I added a set of special photos taken in early June of 2008. Petra Esterle is Wife/Partner with my son Jason. She is a very special and talented member of our family. When she completed the photographing of all the stones in the Cemetery, she volunteered to climb up on the family monument and take a series of panoramic photos of the cemetery. I have set them in order in a slide show that starts looking straight south at the first row of the Old Left Hand Section (The Doss stones are in this row). Then each shot rotates slightly to the right until the last shot is looking East North East. It is really neat to see the entire grounds from a higher perspective. It was VERY Hot and muggy that day but everything turned out looking lush and green.
You should be able to click on the pictures and get to a place that will allow you to view the pictures as a slide show. I have two more of these albums to place here and will do so in the next day or so.

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