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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Harmon-Pipes-Gray Family Reunion

This email and information about the August Family Reunion in Perryville just in. The newspaper item is at the end of the email and I will add photos in a seperate entry.

Dear Family Members,

Attached is an article along with group a picture from yesterday's family reunion in Perryville which I have submitted to the Scrapbook section of the Danville Advocate-Messenger.

We apologize and regret the inconvenience caused family members due to the change in date of this year's reunion. Next year's reunion will be the second Sunday of August. All future reunions are planned for the second Sunday of August. We hope to see you there.

Officers were elected for the Family Association for the coming year: They are Robert Mayes, President; Edna Lankford, Vice President; Marian Gibson, Secretary and Treasurer.

If you have any family members that you would like added to the Harmon, Gray & Pipes Family Association group emailing list, please forward their names and email addresses to me.

I spoke with Carolyn Crabtree, President, of the Boyle County Genealogical Society last night. There are still some Boyle County, Kentucky, Cemetery Records, 1792-1992 Second Printing 2008, books available for purchase. You may contact Carolyn at the Danville Boyle County Convention & Visitors Bureau at (859) 236-7794 or at info@danvillekentucky.com

I purchased a book from www.abebooks.com a couple of months ago titled HARMAN-HARMON Genealogy and Biography BY John William Harman. The book is with historical notes 19 B. C. to 1928 A. D. It was printed in Parsons, West Virginia in 1928. I have found this book to be of interest and good reading. Included in the book is information with genealogy on Lloyd V. Harmon D.D., of Missouri along with pictures of he and his wife, Icel Anna Harmon. Lloyd was one of the compilers of the Gray Pipes Harmon books which was compiled in 1960.

Best regards,

Peggy (HARMON) Edgington

Here is the article item sent to the Newspaper:

About 35 people attended the annual Gray, Harmon, Pipes reunion August 17 at Perryville Christian Church. Attendees included: Mary S. Guerrant, Edna Lankford, Peggy Edgington, Ken and June Harmon, Richard S. and Mary Lou Mayes, Gavin Whitehouse, Stephen Mayes, Geneva Glasscock, Marian Gibson, Tom and Joyce Cox, Bryan, Jennifer, Avery and Austin Bodner, James W. Cox, Jr., Audrey Lanham-Smothers, Lori Stipe, Clay Russell, Carolyn Gray Stipe, Verna Newton, Johnna, Nick and Dominic Mansuetto, Robert Mayes, Janet C. Reynolds, Judy Underwood, Tim Lanham, Rita Satterly, Monty J. Bryant, Monty J. Bryant III, Sue B. Evans and Libby Mayes . The Pipes, Harmon, Gray Association cares for the property at the Old Union Cemetery near Perryville and Gravel Switch. The graves of many of these and other families are in Old Union Cemetery. Next year’s reunion will be held on the second Sunday in August in Perryville.

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