Union Cemetery

Union Cemetery
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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Giving Thanks Today

I wish for each of you to have a happy, peaceful, relaxing and wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.
We had our first snow of the winter season last night and it looks very clean and white outside. Makes you feel much more like its the holiday season. Only 2 or 3 inches deep and the sidewalks were warm enough to melt it off right away so... Hooray, No Shoveling! All the benefits of snow with no work involved. Something to be very thankful for.

Especially at this time of year, I like to think about what it must have been like to live in the period from the mid 1700s to the late 1800s, when most of my Kentucky Ancestors were moving from Massachusetts to New Jersey, to North Carolina and then to Kentucky. I read about those times and what a struggle daily life was and it makes me Very Thankful that I had ancestors who were self reliant, industrious and resourceful. I am sure they did not look at their lives as anything but doing what had to be done every day. But when I look back at what they went through, I am in awe. And also very sure that I am so soft and pampered in my daily life, that there is no comparison between my life and theirs. Makes me feel that I have no room to complain about anything, just be grateful that I have what I have.

Makes you think about the past and the future doesn't it?

Happy Thanksgiving

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