Union Cemetery

Union Cemetery
Click on the Image to view the Cemetery Database

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Page to show the sections of the Cemetery

When I started mapping the cemetery I set up three sections so it would be easier to deal with. If you see the section names in the mapping database and wonder what they mean, this drawing will help. I broke it down to the OLD section (that area around the old church building) and then the NEW section, which is North of the old section and along the fence line. Just for reference and for those of you who may not have been in the cemetery, like all older cemeteries, the stones in here have the face of the stones on the East side and the back of the stones are on the West side, so if you are standing in front of the stone reading the name on it, North is to your right and south is to the left and East is behind you. As always, click to enlarge.

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